Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Another Tasty Tradition!

All right... I know, I know...
Why is it that most of our traditions center around food?

Well here's another one!

This is one of my very earliest memories!

We simply take an orange...

Squeeze it around in our hands for a while to get it nice and juicy inside...

Break both ends off a peppermint candy cane...

Stick one end into the now, very juicy orange...

There are very tiny holes in the candy cane, so it's kind of a straw.

It's very yummy... and brings back many fond memories!

It's definately one of those traditions I will do every winter someday with my own family!! :o)

So... Now that you've heard a few of ours...
What are some fun memories and traditions you have?


Anonymous said...

I love "peppermint oranges"! I was only introduced to it several years ago, and now I'm hooked! :)

My favorite memory/tradition is probably serving at a meal on Christmas Day, for people who don't have a lot of money or who are elderly and can't cook Christmas dinner.


Mary said...

Hi Nichole,
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your sweet comments. I have never heard of "peppermint oranges" -- I'll definitely have to try that!

My favorite Christmas tradition is going to Mass on Christmas eve -- the church is beautifully decorated and the choir sings hymns and carols before the service begins. It's a lovely, sparkling night!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

~~Deby said...

I have never heard of this..but it looks YUMMMM...might have to show my grandsons how to do that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole : )
Are you still alive??

Nicole said...

Yes... Yes... I am still alive! Just swamped with Christmas and therefore haven't gotten a chance to blog anything! Fear not though... I shall return before too long! :o)

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Robj98168 said...

Peppermint Oranges??? Peppermint Patties I understand--- shheeeez you nebraskans are some strange ones! Just kidding- My family has been eating onion and orange sandwiches for years! My favorite christmas tradition is eaitng lobsters on christmas eve with klub (norwegian potatoe dumplings) and sidepork. Just shows my norwegian side LOL. Love your blog and all the work you do on your home!