Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fencing... It's a workout!!!

Whew! I'm tired!!!

I just got in from putting in horse fence today. Whew! **With a great big sigh**

Dad and Micah had some friends come and to help! THANKS YA'LL!!! Not only was it great to get done... It was fun to do it with some company! :o)
And contrary to popular opinion, started by someone... **Cough-Ragnar-Cough** I can cook something that didn't come out of a freezer first! :o) lol Both dinner AND supper turned out well despite none of it being processed and frozen! Fried chicken for dinner and grilled steak and chicken for supper... I'm still stuffed!

It was digging holes every 7 ft... Putting 8 ft. posts in the holes... Filling the holes back up with dirt... Packing the dirt in the holes... Stringing cable... All day! I'm tired and downright beat! But it's nice to get done! No more chasing horses in at 1:30 in the morning!!!

We're not finished yet... But we got the part done that the horses were contantly getting out of. So that's nice!!! It'll be so very wonderful when it's all finished. It already looks so great!

Just thought I'd give ya'll an update on why I was so tired tonight!!! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole!
Wow! looks like you had a buisy day.Remember a while back when you posted on the new colt? What did you end up nameing it?!? (you never told us :)