Saturday, December 8, 2007

Let it snow... Let it snow... Let it snow!!!

"Oh the weather outside is frightful...

But the fire is so delightful!

Since we've no place to go....

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!"


Unknown said...

gosh that is so beautiful! Is that scene outside your window?

Margo said...

That is a beautiful Picture, looks like a Christmas Card to me.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it so fun to able just to cozy down at home a let it snow!?! I sure think so! What a gorgeous picture you captured of God's creativity. To think that not one snowflake is the same it amazing! We serve such an AWESOME GOD! And to think that in all the world there is not anyone just like you ...So special and priceless is incrediable! Love you, Nicole!