Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Garage Sale Finds...

Well... We went garage sale-ing last Saturday! Which means I'm only 4 days behind with my posting! :o) lol
It was FUN! I got some good stuff too!
An old lamp for $5. I probably wouldn't have spent that much if it weren't for the really pretty lampshade. It was just an ordinary mauve ceramic lamp that even had cracks around the base. Which was okay, because all I wanted was the lamp hardware!! It made breaking the lamp in the dumpster easier!!! :o) lol (BTW, the lamp hardware is already being used in a project! Stay tuned for pictures when it's finished!!!)

A BEAUTIFUL comforter set. I'm talking gorgeous!!! Mom's guessing that it was well over $200 new. I got it for $20! This lady had it in her spare bedroom and was thinking that no one had even slept in it. They were moving and it had to go. It looks brand new! I forgot to take pictures before I stored it. It's gold, with a few Burgundy rosebuds here and there. It has the bedspread, a dust ruffle, and shams. The only room it matches is Mom's room, but she didn't want it because she... "Already has a comforter." So I packed it away for "someday, when I have a house of my own." Did I mention it was GORGEOUS?!? :o)

And... I got this:

The lady I got it from said that it was an antique adding machine. But I did just 5 minutes of research before I fell asleep a night or two ago and I think it's technically a "calculating machine." And definitely antique! I got it for $10.

And, can you believe it... It still works!!! :o) I'm wanting to check and see on resale value, because it's got to be more than $10, but I honestly don't know!!! :o) Even if it isn't, I've spent $10 in worse places, right?! :o) lol I really think it's pretty neat though!

The sad part though... It looks like it used to have a plate on the front which probably had names, numbers, or something on it, but it's gone now. I wish it was still there because, #1 it would make researching a lot easier... and #2 it probably isn't worth as much.

Oh well... I like it! :o)

Funny story here too... Last week I was at Target grabbing some groceries for mom, when I browsed through the clearance section. I found some adorable white baseball caps. One said "bride" and 4 more said "bridesmaid." I grabbed them thinking if I ever got married or was a bridesmaid again, that would be awfully cute to go out for ice cream or something beforehand wearing those. So I got them! I brought them home and when I showed them to mom, she looked at me in kind of a strange way... Then the questions started coming. "Why? Do you think you're going to get married anytime soon?!?" "Do you know something I don't know?!?" "What's going on?!" LOL I just about died laughing! She was serious!!! LOL

Okay, so that was early last week. Later that same week, (Saturday) when we went garage sale-ing, we came to one that had a sign at the end of the lane. It plainly said that there were only girls baby clothes there. I asked, "Should we move on?" "Move on?" She said. "Of course not! We're here... Let's check it out!" "But mom, there's only baby clothes! We don't need any baby clothes!" But nevertheless, we checked it out anyway. Pretty soon I hear, "Oh! Look at these little shoes!! Aren't they adorable?! Oh! This dress is TOO darling!" Finally, over $20 later, she finally pays for her big bag BRIMMING with little girl's clothes and shoes. I shake my head, wondering what on earth she's doing. As we walk to the car, I ask her, "So what are you going to do with all that stuff? Do you know someone that's going to have a baby?" Get this... She said, "Nope, they're for my first grand baby!" Honestly... It took me FOREVER to stop laughing! When I could finally talk, I started asking HER questions! "Why? Do you think I'm going to get married anytime soon?!?" "Do you know something I don't know?!?" "What's going on?!" LOL

Yup... It was good for a laugh! Now, I guess the race is on! Who has the first granddaughter... Micah or Me! :o) Of course... Considering the fact that he has a "significant other" and I don't, does give me a disadvantage... BUT... Maybe he'll have all boys!!! Muahaahaahaa! I might have a shot yet!!! :o) LOL Then... What about Caleb?! Who knows! Maybe he'll beat us both!!! :o) LOL

Anyhoo... Better get a move on... But... Try to hit a few garage sales for me this weekend! :o)


Bethany said...

LOL Nicole!!!! Loved your stories!!!! I haven't been to a garage sale in ages -- do you ever come to Lincoln to do your bargain hunting? If so, give us a call! You found some fun finds...your 'home of your own' will be very cute! :D

And I'm sure you'll look fantastic in the 'bride' your just waiting for prince charming to show up (and a bald father in law, too?!)

Love you, 'tousin!

Margo said...

Great story, Remember, I said I have a 21 yr old Son. ;)

Anonymous said...

Great work.