Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Weekend Seminar...

It's another post!

Here's what I kept busy doing this last weekend! :o) Emily Weddle (Emily Sue Weddle, that is!) asked me to come down to Lindsborg, KS for a seminar. I taught the balloon class and the clowning class. It was SO fun! THANKS for asking me to come, Em! **Sniff Sniff** Brings back so many special memories.

After the seminar, we went to the Weddle's Uncle's grocery store and had a kid's party for all the children that had come to the area 5-Day Clubs a few weeks prior. I did balloons...

There was also gospel handpainting... I brought our cotton candy... Tim did games and watermelon seed spitting contests... Samantha did the "Secret of the Watermelon" Story...

And also, as part of the clowning class... We divided the class into 2 teams and had them each nominate someone to become a "clown." (Thanks Tim!!! Great idea!!!) They each had to pick a name, character, outfit, and just a bit of makeup. This fellow, (I can't even remember his name) was a total natural! He was GREAT! The things he came up with, were HYSTERIAL!!! lol Anyway, he and the other guy who were "clowns" for the class, also came that evening and clowned around. It was great!!! :o)

All the smiles... What fun!!!

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